By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | January 5, 2016 |
By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | January 5, 2016 |
I know that a lot of you are starting to reach— or already maybe long-since have reached— peak Jennifer Lawrence. I hear you say you’re tired of hearing about what you see as her aggressively unfiltered, over-the-top brassy, in-your-face clumsy schtick. And it’s hard, because while the collective we loved her for being such a breath of fresh air from the usual celebrity interviews, the level of career Lawrence has demands that she basically never leave the public eye, and there was no way we would find those same qualities charming forever.
So when I tell you this new interview with Glamour is possibly the most “Jennifer Lawrence” Jennifer Lawrence has ever been, you may be prepping your eye rolls. And yet somehow, every aggressive pull quote, all those VERY on-brand statements about being a klutz and unstylish and too “fat” for Hollywood are some of my very favorite things she’s ever said. Because the woman may be overexposed, and she may only be 25, but she really does have a hell of a brain.
On what she calls her personal style
‘Slutty power lesbian.’ That is literally what I say to a stylist. [Laughs] I don’t know if that’s offensive—But [also] I’ve got tits and an ass. And there are things that are made for skinny people—like a lot of embroidery, or it covers a lot—and those make me look fat. I have to show the lumps. If you have boobs, you have to show, like, “These are boobs. This isn’t cellulite.” [Laughs] Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
On breaking box office records, despite her natural disadvantage of womanhood.
Yeah, we broke that record, and I didn’t even realize. As women we don’t know we’re at a deficit because we have vaginas. It wasn’t until they had a headline like, “Even though she’s a woman!” And I was like, “Oh. I didn’t know to be looking out for that.” [Baby voice] “How did this wittle vagina manage that? I carried a whooole movie.” [Laughs.] “How did I do it, getting a period once a month?”
The most perfect description of Chris Pratt, probably ever.
Chris Pratt is always in a good mood. We laugh all day…. He’s like a chocolate Santa. He’s just like if a dog came to life and was like, “I’m a great actor with a perfect face.”
On her life plan with Amy Schumer (complete with name dropping and then feeling self-conscious about name dropping)
Amy and I have a life plan—we were with Diane Sawyer in Martha’s Vineyard for Thanksgiving. Not to brag. Diane politely threw it out, and then we’re sitting at the dinner table with her family, like, “We shouldn’t be here.” Anyway, Amy’s always wanted to live on Martha’s Vineyard, and we saw this house, and we’re like, “This is where we’re gonna Grey Gardens, and we’re gonna grow old and crazy together.” That’s our life plan.
Some really great thoughts on Planned Parenthood*
It’s so awful…. It isn’t an attack on abortions; it’s an attack on women. Because Planned Parenthood is so much more [than abortion]. My mom was really religious with me when I was young. She’s not so much anymore. And I wouldn’t have been able to get birth control if it weren’t for Planned P. I wouldn’t have been able to get condoms and birth control and all these things I needed as a normal teenager who was growing up in a Jesus house… And now [gestures widely] I am a successful woman who has not had a pregnancy.
She knows what she’s known for.
I spilled milk this morning. Last night I spilled red wine all over the rug. All I want to be able to do is just walk from one place to another without falling! It’s so annoying, honestly. And now I’ve gone from the charming, like, “Oh my God, whoops, I fell”—now it really pisses me off. ‘Cause it’s embarrassing now. So now I fall, and I’m like, “Stop looking at me! Don’t take a picture!”
And she knows you think she’s faking it.
That’s why it’s embarrassing! That’s why I want to be able to stop doing it. When I fell the second year at the Oscars, I was just like, “F—k.” ‘Cause I would think the same exact thing. I know it looks like a gag. It’s really, really not.
She knows you want less of her. Or that you will soon. And she has no idea what to do about that.
I feel like I’m over-paid-attention-to. I’m not trying to be a GIF. I’m not trying to be a picked-up-on-Twitter quote. All I’m trying to do is act. And I have to promote these movies. And I am, at the end of the day, I guess, a f—king lunatic. So if you record what I’m saying, it’s gonna be goofy. [Laughs and throws arms out.] What do I do? What do I do? I’m just a girl, sitting in front of the world and asking them to forgive her for speaking
I obviously don’t know how much of Jennifer Lawrence’s public persona is manufactured, heightened, or really truly unfiltered. But I do think she’s the heartbreaking epitome of Hollywood darling backlash. I can’t even imagine trying to be a 20-something woman with a strong personality, in a profession that relies so hugely on simultaneous likability and constant visibility. Basically—
H/T Vanity Fair
*Vivian Kane does hate this argument, because it seems to imply that providing legal abortions somehow DOES warrant or at least explain violence, but that’s probably a discussion for another time.