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I Know Exactly What That Look Bradley Cooper Gave His Girlfriend at Wimbledon Was

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | July 12, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | July 12, 2016 |

There are a few images that we don’t have the rights to going around that show this in a clearer fashion, but this short video will give you the gist of what went on at Wimbledon the other day.

According to a “source” at TMZ, Bradley Cooper wasn’t actually looking at his girlfriend, Irina Shayk, right there. He was looking at retired tennis star Stefan Edberg, who was sitting next to her. And Irina Shayk wasn’t crying there. She was having an allergic reaction. There was no argument, so says the source.

I think the source is full of shit, because I know that look. I have given that look. I know exactly what that look means. That look says exactly this: “I fucked up, but I have too much pride to admit it, so I’m going to give her a disdainful look that suggests she has a lot of goddamn nerve for crying about this because it was her fault, even though I know damn good and well it was my own fault but I refuse to fucking admit it.”

I guarantee you he was apologizing two hours later after he let go of his pride and admitted he was being a supreme dick.