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Now That's What I Call An Apology: Terry Crews Edition

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | March 6, 2019 |

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | March 6, 2019 |


On February 24, 2019, Terry Crews tweeted out something quite unfortunate:

On March 1, Crews made another misstep on Twitter:

After applauding Crews for his progressive views on masculinity and his whole-hearted embrace of the MeToo movement, many people were shocked at his comments. As happens in these cases, people were declaring Crews “canceled” and “problematic.” Everything Crews did to push the normalcy that men can be assaulted by people in power was thrown away by some interested in flaying him for these comments.

Instead of refusing to budge on his views that the children of same-sex couples were missing something in their life, Crews apologized for his viewpoint… kind of:

Crews then took everything a step further than most celebrities: he continued to look into why his views were hurtful to other people. He sat down with his Brooklyn 99 co-star Stephanie Beatriz, a woman who has been open about her bisexuality. Through speaking with Beatriz, Crews educated himself about why his assertion of “malnourishment due to a lack of one parent of each gender” was hurtful and uncalled for.

Take notes, because this is how you apologize. You accept the criticism and understand why people are upset. You take the time to educate yourself about the area where you were ignorant. You apologize with sincerity and a promise to do better.