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Brie Larson and Sam Jackson, Uh, Perform a Delightfully Terrible 'Shallow' Duet

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | March 6, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | March 6, 2019 |


We posted this years ago after Brie Larson had just broken through after Short Term 12 (still such a lovely, perfect movie), but you all remember that Larson was a teen singing sensation, right? She used to sing angsty pop songs, and now she looks askance at Casey Affleck, plays superhero Captain Marvel, and pisses off all the right people.

In promoting Captain Marvel, however, Brie Larson brought back a touch of that musical talent on the Jonathan Ross Show, wherein she sang a song, of which I am not familiar (please don’t hate), and then adlibbed “Shallow” poorly but hilariously with Sam Jackson. It’s a goddamn treat, and apparently worthy of Jonathan Ross’ shoe and sock.

(Hat Tip: Kayleigh)

Header Image Source: ITV