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If Joy and Unicorns Could be Transformed into a Person that Person Would Be Taika Waititi

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | January 11, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | January 11, 2018 |

Thumbnail image for taikawaititijumper.jpg

We’ve discussed many times how glorious and thoughtful it was of God or Cthulhu or whomever to allow us to live in the same period of time as Taika Waititi.

The man is unadulterated joy wrapped in an aesthetically pleasing meat suit and dipped in wit and charm.

Marvel as he does what he does best: direct movies and emit waves of pure ecstasy.

BONUS: Please enjoy the Thor: Ragnarok blooper reel.

Thor: Ragnarok will be released digitally on February 20th, while hard copy fans can buy their physical discs on March 6th.