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Stormy Daniels Doesn't Say She Didn't Have an Affair with Donald Trump on Jimmy Kimmel

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 31, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 31, 2018 |


After that sh*t-show of a State of the Union address last night (long (so long), boring, uninspired, hostile to people of color), Stormy Daniels is about the only speed I have in me this morning. She appeared on Jimmy Kimmel last night, hours after a new statement was released saying that she did not have an affair with Donald Trump and that she was not paid $130,000 to keep quiet about it.

It’s a bizarre interview, only in that it’s 11 minutes long and Stormy Daniels spends almost the entire segment neither confirming nor denying anything, except that she did say that she has no idea where that statement that came out yesterday came from, and strongly suggested that she had nothing to do with it. Beyond that? There’s really not much point in watching the interview — Jimmy Kimmel tries to get her to break the non-disclosure agreement she’s not allowed to say she has from a variety of approaches, and none of those approaches work.

If there is one takeaway from the interview, it’s that Stormy Daniels definitely had an affair with Donald Trump, and she definitely has a non-disclosure agreement, and I definitely would rather talk about this than the State of the Union address, except that I do want to say how fucking disingenuous it is that Donald Trump keeps taking credit for all of these record unemployment numbers.

I mean, good for Trump that he managed to go his first year without destroying the economy that Obama built, but Jesus Christ, it’s so maddening when Obama inherits an economy with an 11 percent unemployment rate, diligently works that unemployment rate down to 5 percent, and then Trump takes credit for the continued momentum of the Obama economy that moved it to a 4.5 percent unemployment rate. It’s Jon Gruden all over again. Tony Dungy spends years building the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, he gets booted, and Gruden comes in and wins the Super Bowl with Dungy’s team. Congratulations, Trump: Obama gave you Warren Sapp, Derrick Brooks, Ronde Barber and John Lynch, and the economy still managed to do well with Brad Johnson as quarterback. Of course, the blowhard white guy is going to take credit for the team that the squeaky clean black guy built from the ground up over 6 years.

Well, guess what happened the next year? The Bucs missed the playoffs with a 7-9 record, and the year after that, Brad Johnson was benched. Oh, and several years later, Johnson admitted he cheated and bribed ball boys to alter the footballs he used during the Super Bowl.

Sounds about Trump.