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Stephen Colbert's Jennifer Lawrence Interview Is a Delightful Disaster

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | December 15, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | December 15, 2015 |

I don’t know that I’ve ever seen an interview go so ridiculously wrong, and be so strangely entertaining. As Colbert points out, JLaw is remarkably unfiltered and for a celebrity, she’s oh so human; anyone whose ever seen her do an interview knows how completely spontaneous the actress tends to be. Even for a girl known for tripping and falling and a penchant for peeing in sinks, this silly discussion takes several awkward turns, but both Lawrence and Colbert somehow manage to keep going past the weird moments and roll right into the next bit of the bizzaro-versation.

Covered: Puking and love scenes, humanity, publicists, parents, Robert De Niro, her own Apple TV related invention, David O. Russell, Kentucky, her in and out accent, Amy Schumer and “playing a guy, Joy Mangano.”

Guaranteed: Laughter.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)