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Twitter Reacts To Stanley Tucci's Latest Thirst Trap

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | April 21, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | April 21, 2020 |


We have discussed before how Stanely Tucci is a snack, and he knows it. He knows what he’s doing when he rolls up those dress shirt sleeves to expose those hairy, muscled forearms. He knows how his sensual love for food and wine makes us swoon. He knows exactly what that smoky voice of mischief and pure sex does to us. Then he goes and makes an Instagram post where he combines all three.

Sure, he says this is a cocktail-making tutorial, but we know it’s another Tucci Thirst Trap.

In the above video, Tucci makes a Negroni, offering advice on the classic cocktail’s construction while his wife Felicity Blunt (yes, Emily Blunt’s sister) plays cameraperson. Notice how she taunts us too, flashing her wedding band and engagement ring at the end.

We get it, Felicity! All we get is savoring every onscreen moment of the Tucc. The way his beefy arms flex while expertly rattling the cocktail shaker. That slight smile as he does so, knowing he has us wrapped around his strong fingers. He says, “You can do it on the rocks.” And we think, “I’d do YOU on the rocks, Tucci!” But you, you, Felicity, you get to. Our respect and envy of you is profound, Mrs. Tucci.

Naturally, Tucci’s cocktail vid made a big splash, causing his name to trend on Twitter.

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