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Sean Penn Will Not Put Up with Reminders of His Violent Past, Sues Lee Daniels for Defamation

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | September 22, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | September 22, 2015 |

You may think you know about one of the (alleged) greatest actors and humanitarians of all time, but that doesn’t mean you should go around talking about alleged acting icon, Sean Penn, no matter what you’ve read or heard.

Let me back up just a minute here. Surely, you remember that back in the olden days, BEFORE PEOPLE EVEN HAD CELL PHONES (those were dark days, indeed), Sean Penn and Madonna (allegedly) fell in love and got married (that part’s documented). During the time they were together, Penn was ALLEGEDLY a terrible and violent human (alleged) being, and on multiple occasions, ALLEGATIONS of Penn’s physical violence against another person were made. Allegedly, the actor has never been arrested for domestic violence (specifically).

Today, THR is reporting that Sean Penn has filed suit against director and Empire creator, Lee Daniels, for a comment Daniels made about alleged fellow garbage person and abuser, Terrence Howard. Here’s Daniels’ original quote:

“That poor boy… [Terrence] ain’t done nothing different than Marlon Brando or Sean Penn, and all of a sudden he’s some f—in’ demon. That’s a sign of the time, of race, of where we are right now in America.”

Well, that’s…something! Take a minute to wrap your brain around this. Never mind the part where Daniels is basically defending Howard’s alleged violence against his wives and other people by saying, ‘Hey, he’s just like these other guys!’; now, Sean Penn is suing Daniels for falsely equating Penn with Howard, while also publicly admonishing Daniels for defending Howard.

Is your brain broken yet? Mine (allegedly) is.

To truly appreciate the ouroboros of violence, you really need to read Penn’s complaint:




There is so much disgusting about this whole thing, and every single person involved, I almost don’t know what to say. The cojones necessary for two of them to think they can get away with physical violence to the point where they’re practically bragging about it, and the third person defending one of them as if it’s somehow cool or accepted to beat up your wife — can this really be happening? As for Penn’s complaint, you know what it reads like to me? It’s a goddamned challenge, that’s what it is. It’s the sound of a bloated, overconfident ego just begging to be answered by a certain someone. Someone who’s not afraid to speak her mind, or to stand up for herself and other women. Someone, who isn’t worried about what other people think, should maybe step forward and answer that (alleged) bloated, overconfident ego.



Read Penn’s full complaint here.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)