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Sean Lennon Is Presently Mansplaining the Word 'Mansplaining' on Twitter

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | September 10, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | September 10, 2016 |

Sean Ono Lennon is, as we speak, engaging in a one-man war against mansplaining. By mansplaining about the word mansplaining.

As so many things do, it began with an out-of-nowhere unasked-for declaration of MISANDRY.

Oh buddy.

So many tried to warn him.

But he was a man on a mission. A douchey, annoying mansplain of a mission. And he’s ready to argue with anyone who disagrees with him. And his disagreements are…something.

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He’s also been retweeting any and all positive messages, including one from comedian Owen Benjamin, who I first heard of when he went on a defendathon in favor of Kurt Metzger.


He seems like a cool dude.

He’s inspired others to miss the point and further mansplain the word mansplain in a perfect example of the concept of mansplaining.

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As writer Feminista Jones pointed out, MANSPLAINCEPTION.

It would appear this whole thing started because a Southern California artist, Elizabeth La Fey, aka Globelamp, called for the boycott of Desert Daze, a festival where her ex, Sam France, will be playing, whom she alleges committed domestic violence against her.

Lennon had thoughts on the matter.


In addition to retweeting his mansplain-related defenses, he is retweeting all mentions that speak out against La Fey.

What a guy.