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Sarah Jessica Parker is Bringing 'Sex and the City’s' Carrie Bradshaw Back, Y’all

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | January 21, 2019 |

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | January 21, 2019 |


As a single lady in my 30’s, I love Sex and the City—ever since my parents finally got cable the summer of 2000 and I saw the fabled John Slattery won’t-you-pee-on-me episode (on the sly, my parents obviously weren’t cool with me watching the show, which made it even better), I was hooked. At the time, I felt like I was getting a glimpse into a grown-up world that eventually I’d be able to enter—close friends, hot dudes to date, and a fabulous apartment on a shoestring budget. I mean, obviously that hasn’t come to pass (the dudes and the apartment part), but the situations the core group of women found themselves in while dating are definitely situations I’ve found myself in—primarily dealing with emotionally unavailable a*sholes, who never quite commit, but come close, lead you on, then act surprised when you start to make decisions in your life that include, and revolve around, them.

In fact, this is by far my favorite moment of the entire series, because I’ve definitely been there:

Throughout the years, I’ve re-watched the episodes when I hit a speed bump in my dating life. So…a lot. The first four seasons ring absolutely true for me, still.


Obviously a show about dating in New York City that only has a cast of four white women is a relic from the ’90s that I hope would be more inclusive in its casting choices if it were made today—and friends, we might get that chance because Carrie Bradshaw is back, y’all.

Ok, look, yes—she’s only coming back to a charity thing that I searched for and couldn’t find any details on; and yes, Carrie is still kind of the worst (although let’s admire the fact that the show let her be the worst, because how often did that happen for female protagonists in the late ’90s/early ’00s?)

I’m still kind of excited, though—I like spending time with the Sex and the City ladies, especially because I have willed myself into forgetting the movies ever existed. I hope you have, too.

Here’s an added twist friends: Carrie Bradshaw was 32 in 1998, which means in 2019 she’s 53. You know how old Blanche was when The Golden Girls first started, according to the IMDB Trivia page? 53.


Now tell me you don’t see any possibilities there for reboot possibilities in the future.


In honor of Carrie coming back, if only for a little while, here’s my favorite part of my favorite episode. I’m a sucker for ‘Moon River’ what can I say?

In honor of a bunch of you telling me either you don’t care (you know who you are) or that the show sucked, here’s the It’s Always Sunny parody clip where Dee tried to be Carrie Bradshaw.

See? Something for everyone!


Header Image Source: HBO