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Saoirse Ronan and 11 Other Names You're Mispronouncing

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | December 13, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | December 13, 2019 |


12. Mia Wasikowska — Well, you don’t pronounce it like Wachowski, as in Wa-si-kow-ska. It’s actually VAH-shee-KOF-ska.

11. Lupita N’yongo — There’s no need to put any emphasis anywhere. It just rolls through, and sounds exactly like it’s spelled.

10. Chiwetel Ejiofor. This is not how I pronounce it, with all due respect Chiwetel.

9. Jake Gyllenhaal. The actual pronunciation is Swedish. The G is silent.

8. Amanda Seyfried — It’s not fried, as in “fried chicken.” It’s not Seigfried, either. It’s SIGH-fred.

7. Martin Scorsese. Tim Burton in Singles actually screwed this up for me for many years.

That’s not how you pronounce it. This is how you pronounce it.

6. Charlize Theron. It’s THAIR-en. It sounds more like “throne” than “ther-on.”

5. Steve Buscemi. There is no H sound. It’s not Booshemi. It’s Boos-emi.

4. David Oyelowo. Don’t even fucking try it. You’ll just make an ass of yourself.

3. Rihanna It’s Ree-Anna, not Ree-Ah-na.

it's "rihanna" . Follow me. #snapchat

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2. Saoirse Ronan — It is not Sore-see. It is not Shore-sha. It is Sur-sha!

1. Voldemort

What? That’s not right. Don’t listen to her!