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Sandra Bullock Has Had It with the Media Attacking Women Over Their Age or Looks

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | July 2, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | July 2, 2015 |

She may have been chosen as this year’s Most Beautiful Woman by People, but that doesn’t make Sandra Bullock feel any better about how the media treats women - especially when we reach a certain age. Speaking with E! at a Minions press event, Bullock voiced some of the same concerns many celebrity women have been speaking out on.

“I feel like it’s become open hunting season in how women are attacked and it’s not because of who we are as people, it’s because of how we look or our age. I’m shocked—and maybe I was just naïve, but I’m embarrassed by it. My son is getting ready to grow up in this world and I’m trying to raise a good man who values and appreciates women, and here we have this attack on women in the media that I don’t see a stop happening.”

I really love what she says about her son here; for those of us with young children, it can be challenging to constantly have to counter outside perceptions — especially trying to keep your impressionable kids from seeing all the crazy tabloid headlines (and accompanying photos) that are always planted right by the checkout lines.

Though she’s raising a son, Bullock says she also worries for little girls, but she’s not just standing around waiting for someone else to fix our societal problems. Regardless of poor media messages, the actress says she and other women in the acting community bond together to support each other.

“Little girls are having the hardest time with bullying and the internet—somebody with a very large hand and big voice needs to put a stop to it. But until then, women need to look out for each other.

You’d be surprised at the love that you have in our crazy industry. The women have bonded together and have sort of become this tribe of trying to take care of each other and be there for each other in a way, because the minute you step out it’s an onslaught. And I laughed when [People] said they’re gonna be generous and bestow me this wonderful privilege, but I said if I can talk about the amazing women who I find beautiful, which are these women who rise above and take care of business and do wonderful things, and take care of each other, then I’m more than honored to be on the cover of this.”

Since public perception is often led to believe women in Hollywood are only competitive, or even bitter enemies, it’s lovely to hear a statement like what Sandra said about her acting friends. Unfortunately, there is no more likely a “hand” that can stop internet bullying any more than other kinds of bullying and abuse, but when individuals band together — that can often be a catalyst for change.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)