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Elle King, Garbage Rob Schneider's Daughter, Poops on Those Offended by Her Cultural Appropriation

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | April 19, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | April 19, 2016 |

First, as background, Elle King sings this song. It’s a super good song with absolutely appalling grammar and punctuation in its title, our first clue she might not be that bright.

She is also Rob Schneider’s daughter. He sucks. And apparently, she sucks too.

According to the speedy screenshotters at Oh No They Didn’t, King posted a photo of herself with white girl dreadlocks and a bindi.

(via ONTD)

When she was quickly called on her cultural appropriation, she responded with a calm and reasonable acceptance of her wrongdoings and a promise to do better in the future. JK, no she didn’t, she took a shit on them.

(via ONTD)

“In other news, here’s me shitting. What culture am I offending now? Everyone poops.”

What witty repartee! King has now set her Instagram to private so she can only receive LOLs and praise hands. For what it’s worth, there is absolutely no way she was raised with any understanding of racism, cultural appropriation, or sensitivity as here are just a few images of her father:


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