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Rob Lowe, Who Made a Sex Tape with an Underage Girl, Takes Issue with People Kneeling

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | September 12, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | September 12, 2016 |

We all really like Chris Traeger which has tricked us into thinking we like Rob Lowe. But Rob Lowe is no Chris Traeger. He’s made some truly questionable statements, because as soon as celebrities are in control of their own message rather than having messages filtered through professionals, we all get to learn that they are not very smart.

There was also that time he got REALLY mad that GloZell, a black woman and comedian with a massive audience of young fans, got to meet Obama.

His latest hill to die on? Kneelgate.

Rob Lowe, master of etiquette and morality, once made a sex tape with two young women, one of whom was 16.

Kate Upton, most famous for those nonstop Game of Thrones knock-off app commercials, also had thoughts. Thoughts of patriotism and dubious specificity.

Yes, we lose 120 seconds of constitutional freedom every football game. This stacks up, which is why we have a constitutional leap year every 200 years or so.

This is all getting very specific, Kate.