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Rob Kardashian Apparently Thinks Kim Is a Psychopathic Murderer

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | March 23, 2015 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | March 23, 2015 |

Rob Kardashian has needed a bit of a hug for a while now. Nothing has been confirmed, but he’s clearly been struggling with something for a long time—at least since shortly before KIm and Kanye’s wedding. Allegedly these problems include drug use and some manner of mental illness. He has kept a fairly low profile (or his family is hiding him, one of those, though if there was some attention to be gleaned from this situation, I feel like they’d take it) but then yesterday, he posted his first and only image to Instagram.

Screen Shot 2015-03-23 at 9.47.54 AM.png

Bright side—at least he’s been watching movies?

Say what you will about Kim, but this is a pretty cry-for-helpy post. PRAYER CIRCLES FOR ROB.