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Richard Burton Tweets From Beyond The Grave

By Mieka Strawhorn | Celebrity | April 13, 2018 |

By Mieka Strawhorn | Celebrity | April 13, 2018 |


I recently started following Richard Burton on Twitter. I know what you’re going to say: Richard Burton is super dead. I know that, but he’s alive on Twitter. Think of it as a Schrodinger’s Welsh Actor situation, if you will. I know what you’re going to say: That doesn’t make any sense and you clearly don’t understand physics. I know that, but hear me out! The account @Burtondiaries tweets an excerpt daily from the late actor’s diaries and it is amazing.

At turns tempestuous, bitchy, self-deprecating, vulnerable and boorish; through these entries we learn all about Richard’s likes (playing Monopoly, Marlon Brando, The Swiss Alps), dislikes (theater critics, Christmas, sobriety) and his passions (Elizabeth, books, rugby). It’s full of fascinating ruminations on Hollywood, fame, failure, love and art. We also get a peek into his tumultuous relationship with the love of his life, Elizabeth Taylor, for whom he had several endearing nicknames including “lumpy” and “little clown”.

Here’s a sampling of my favorite tweets.

On impractical gifts:

On Elizabeth’s nocturnal activities:


On Sobriety:

On cosmetic surgery:

On self:

The book The Richard Burton Diaries is available for purchase but I think I prefer getting my daily dose of Richard the new fangled way, on Twitter.