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Ray Liotta Has Died at 67

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 26, 2022 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 26, 2022 |


Ray Liotta has died at the age of 67, several sources are now reporting. Deadline reports that he died in his sleep in the Dominican Republic while filming Dangerous Waters.

Liotta is best known for his role in Goodfellas, but also had memorable roles in Field of Dreams, Cop Land, Narc, and Killing Me Softly, among his 126 film and television credits. An orphan adopted by a town clerk and auto parts store owner in 1954, Liotta has an Emmy for a 2005 appearance on E.R. and received a Golden Globe nomination in his first major film role, the 1987 Jonathan Demme film, Something Wild.

The actor leaves behind a daughter with ex-wife Michelle Grace, and a fiancée, Jacy Nittolo. RIP.