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Paul F. Tompkins And Natalie Walker Join Forces For 'A Star Is Born' Moment

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | November 19, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | November 19, 2018 |

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Today in Sometimes Twitter Is Good news, two entertainers known for Twitter Goodness joined forces for a moving yet funny cover of A Star Is Born’s catchy jam “Shallow.” Comedian Paul F. Tompkins makes his mark on Twitter with general silliness, some spirited singing, and a level of wokeness surprising for a famous white guy. Writer/performer Natalie Walker is Twitter famous for her running series of “audition tapes,” each a scathing parody of the bullshit, sexist supporting roles offered to actresses.

There’s a whole thread of greatness, but the above is my favorite. Though the one below is a close second.

This talented twosome recently appeared together on stage, blending comedy and bravado to perform a cover the Lady Gaga/Bradley Cooper duet from A Star Is Born. A snippet of the performance surfaced on Twitter, then thankfully a hero shared a fuller version of this impeccable performance.

Tompkins and Walker shared the link and the love.