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'Once Upon A Deadpool' Gets A Trailer That...Damn It, I'll Have To Go See This

By Jodi Smith | Film | November 19, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Film | November 19, 2018 |


From the Deadpool snowflakes to the perfect recreation of The Grandson’s bedroom in The Princess Bride, those jerks at Fox have got me by the PG-13 jibblies. I was planning on skipping Deadpool 2’s re-release with its more kid-friendly rating.

I was blinded by the nostalgia of Fred Savage in his Bears shirt and Deadpool regaling him with the tale of a young boy with a splash of diabetes and redemption, but held firm. Then they dropped this gem of a teaser and I have to spend money. I HAVE TO DO IT.

I hope they use their one f**k wisely, if at all.