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Papa John Doesn't Look So Good

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | November 26, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | November 26, 2019 |


You folks remember Papa John’s founder John Schnatter, right? He founded Papa John’s in 1984 but was ousted from his own company last year after not only using the n-word but describing graphic violence against black people during a media training call. Yeah, that guy. Also, the guy who blamed declining pizza sales on NFL players taking a knee.

Anyway, he doesn’t look so good, which might be because he’s ordered 40 Papa John’s pizza in the last 30 days. Also, he’s very disgruntled about having been fired, saying that the people who replaced him “stole the company, and now they’ve destroyed the company,” and that they “used the black community” to conspire against him, and that “the way they’re making the pizza is just not fundamental to what makes a Papa John’s pizza.” He should know. He’s had 40 of them in the last 30 days.

That is not healthy. You can actually see the pizza grease seeping from his pores.

Obviously, Twitter had a field day.