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Pam and Jim from 'The Office' would be Divorced by Now, Says Chrissy Teigen

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | October 16, 2019 |

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | October 16, 2019 |


I firmly believe Jim from The Office was a monster. He was a passive-aggressive, gaslighting a*shole who convinced himself he was a good guy when he spent the majority of his adult years playing harmful pranks on his weird co-worker acting like he deserved it when he didn’t, low-key stalking his office crush including inserting himself into her existing relationship, and generally making huge life decisions that would affect his entire family, without his wife’s input and then making it a her problem, not a him problem, when she got upset. Jim is the f*cking worst.

So I am fully on-board with Chrissy Teigen’s assessment that Jim and Pam would be divorced by now, which she shared on Twitter.

Initially she thought they would be in a loveless marriage living separate lives, which let’s be honest that’s probably what happened before they split up:

Then she saw the light with a little relationship math:

Look, if you’re one of the people who thinks “Jam” is romantic relationship goals, I very much want to dissuade you from that notion for the reasons I outlined above. Jim is a dude who takes a job without telling his wife, leaving her to parent their children full-time, while he — a man in his thirties — chases the start-up life, forcing them to keep two households on their limited income when he clearly made more than she did, due to his sales commissions. Additionally, he invests $10k of shared money, without asking Pam. Let’s also not forget how he planned a separate wedding, independent of Pam, because he knew that their pre-planned wedding would most likely get ruined by their co-workers so he had more than enough time to include her in the plan-B wedding prep but didn’t because he’s a selfish jerk. Jim, friends, was never a character that solicited input from others.

That may work when you’re in your twenties and dating but being married to someone like that—someone who is constantly making huge life decisions that affect you, without your input, will put a strain on your marriage. Especially if you’re the one left parenting your children, alone, in the house your husband bought without your input.

Sorry Jam-ers, there’s realistically no way these two lived happily ever after. Good for Pam, I say. No doubt she finally left his a*s. She always deserved better.