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'The Walking Dead's' Norman Reedus Squashes Kinney Dating Rumor with a 'New Couple Alert'

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | June 18, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | June 18, 2015 |

Praise… ****Spoiler!

ZombieMerle! All of you who were skeeved out by the idea of The Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus dating former co-star Emily Kinney can relax — they’re just friends. After the interwebosphere went bananas over reports (photos of Reedus attending Kinney’s concert) the two were a couple, a gossip site contacted Reedus’ publicist, who confirmed there is no hand-to-hand combat touching going on. “We can confirm that they are not dating.”

The rumors had made it all the way to Reedus himself, who put a cherry on top of the denial by tweeting out his own new couple alert.

“Your clothes. Give them to me.”


NSFW photo below!


Now, if someone could just explain who this is…


Cindy Davis, (Twitter)