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Nick Jonas Flies Back to America Without Priyanka Chopra. Is the Honeymoon over?

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | December 13, 2018 |

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | December 13, 2018 |


Nick Jonas was spotted in the Mumbai airport flying back to America without Priyanka Chopra, whom he recently married in a lavish ceremony. When I read this over at, it caused me to remark, out loud, into the void: Uh oh, is the honeymoon over?

Now, People tells us that he’s due back in Mumbai on December 20th , for a wedding reception to honor the new couple, which is supposed to explain Priyanka’s absence here…but I don’t know.

Here’s what I do know—it’s been instilled into us for over a decade by US Weekly that stars are just like us. So rather than reach out to my sources to see what could be happening between Jonas and Chopra, I decided to look within myself—because Nick Jonas and Prikyanka Chopra are supposedly just like me. I put myself in Chopra’s shoes, and tried to come up with a plausible scenario how this could all be happening.

When I did that, it became increasingly clear to me what is going on. Chopra is 36 years old, Jonas turned 26 in September—which means that he was only 4 years old when Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion came out. Chopra was almost 15, and despite the R rating of the now-classic film, a prime demographic for enjoying the antics of Romy and Michele to the fullest. So what does this have to do with flying back to America, alone?

I mean, I watch Romy and Michele’s Highschool Reunion at least once a week, so using the US Weekly logic, I’m sure Priyanka does too. Nick, in an effort to bond further with his new wife, undoubtedly watches it nearly constantly, to make up for 21 years of not watching it almost obsessively.

So that said, after Priyanka has been unfairly taking hits from the American press for marrying a Jonas, Nick and Priyanka are clearly playing the press at their own game.

How you say?

Well first Priyanka is not with Jonas because obviously she’s staying in Mumbai, and he’s due back in a week, so why would you fly for a ridiculous amount of time each way for such a short trip. People was right about this. What they’re not picking up on is that the Chopra-Jonas household is setting us up for a prank ala Billy and Christy Masters.

If you recall, during prom, Christy knew that Romy had a crush on her boyfriend Billy, and angrily stormed up to Romy and accused her of ruining their relationship—making Romy think she had a chance with Billy, so she stayed at prom, not knowing that Christy and Billy immediately zoomed off on his motorcycle, because high school is hell on earth. Romy gets the last laugh at their reunion when Billy propositions her, and she sees that Christ and Billy are unhappily married.

Is it all making sense now?

The press is Christy Masters, and Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra are Romy and Michele. He’s flying back solo, to make us think that maybe there’s trouble in paradise, but what’s really going on is that Priyanka and Nick are hard at work, via Skype, working on a dance routine to “Time After Time” that will wow us all, and make us feel like crap that we ever doubted their love.

It’s the only answer, because it’s exactly what I would do.

So, to answer the question, “is the honeymoon over?” The answer is yes, but only because both Nick and Priyanka are hard at work to put all the haters in their place. Can’t say I blame them.