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Strange Bedfellows Alert! Priyanka Chopra And Nick Jonas Are Reportedly Dating

By Mieka Strawhorn | Celebrity | May 30, 2018 |

By Mieka Strawhorn | Celebrity | May 30, 2018 |


Perpetual posers Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra (and I mean that in the most literal sense, these two’s respective Instagram accounts are enough to make even Tyra Banks blush), might be doing the horizontal booty tooch together (thank you, Ty Ty).

Viva Las Vegas! #bbmas here we come. #vegas

A post shared by Nick Jonas (@nickjonas) on


A post shared by Priyanka Chopra (@priyankachopra) on

According to Us Weekly, Priyanka and Nick are totally dating, and spent some quality time together over Memorial Day weekend.

“They are dating and it’s brand new,” the source tells Us. “It’s a good match and they are both interested in each other.”

But then again, according to “the internet,” Priyanka and Nick are just as likely just pals who aren’t above milking it for the hot press attention. After all, what’s a little light bearding between friends? That header picture is of them going to last year’s Met Gala together as friends. Whether or not they actually make sexy times with one another has yet to be unconfirmed.

What is confirmed is that over the holiday weekend, they attended the Beauty And The Beast Live show at The Hollywood Bowl on Friday.

“They walked in together just before the performance was starting, they looked great together, but no hand-holding or obvious PDA,” an eyewitness told Us of the 25-year-old “Jealous crooner” and the 35-year-old actress.

Apparently, they were also spotted at the concession stand at intermission and they left together right as the show was ending. Then, the next day they went to a Dodger’s Game where they were “talking really closely and were very smiley and very happy,” but nobody did anything untoward with a hot dog. That we know of.

“They weren’t trying to be private as they were in a pretty public place, but they were talking to people around them, sitting closely and they both just seemed super happy.”

Barf. If I have to see a hot celebrity in the wild, they better be doing something scandalous. Otherwise, what’s the point of them going out at all? If these two want to giggle and burp for each other, they can always just Netflix and chill in the privacy of their own home. But ya gotta keep ‘em guessing, I suppose.

And their 3-day long, PG-13 date didn’t stop there! On Monday they were photographed kicking it on a yacht, the SS C-List, with several other celebrity types. Nick and Priyanka really had their work cut out for them trying to pull that boat’s collective GPA up to a solid B.

That’s Priyanka in the yellow at the back there with Nick, in case you were blinded by rage like I was at whoever captioned that photo and left out Jack McBrayer!

Hmmm, they do look pretty cozy there. The blanket over the lap trick is one of the oldest in the book. If true, this is one odd celebrity coupling that will surely be dragged out for all it’s worth, before flaming out like the flash on one of those old-timey paparazzi light bulbs.