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More Scientology Secrets About Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman and David Miscavige Emerge

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | December 4, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | December 4, 2015 |

The Scientology underground is getting braver by the day. Following some of the incredibly strange (and concerning) stories Leah Remini has shared, former Scientology spokesperson, the head of security, David Miscavige’s personal chef, and L. Ron Hubbard’s great-grandson have come forward and lobbed a ton of information and photos at The Daily Mail, and it’s almost too much information to handle. If you’re looking for something to peruse (and snicker over) at lunch or on the train ride home, they’ve got you covered.

Among the foursome’s revelations are details about the excessiveness behind the Cruise-Miscavige bromance (paid for by the “church”), and a house built expressively for their leader’s (L.Ron Hubbard) return.

Cruise lived at the Scientology “Gold Base” headquarters for months on end while going through his training.

The existence of “The Hole,” a facility where high ranking staff who “have fallen out of favor” are confined for months or years.

Tennis courts were built, and pros hired to work with Cruise if he desired.

Miscavige and Cruise’s (failed) plan to impress and recruit the Beckhams involved laser leveling a field and making patterns in the grass.

Cruise and Miscavige’s bromance included exercising together, high-stakes gambling trips, parachuting and riding customized motorcycles, and smoking cigars (which Miscavige reportedly hates, but smokes with Tom).

Cruise talked with Miscavige about Scientology all the time, like “a fanatic;”he “speaks in a special Scientology language.”

There were air-conditioned dog kennels built for dogs that only Cruise and Miscavige were allowed to access.

Cruise has has “his own office and staff and dedicated Sea Org members to look after his every whim from an in-house counselor to an assistant washing and waxing his cars all day long.”

The head of security confirmed that Miscavige secretly recorded Cruise’s auditing sessions; though Cruise did know about one camera set up as a requirement by Scientology, the other set-up was done for Miscavige, personally.

John Travolta once discovered staff watching his recorded audits and “hit the roof. It was a very big flap internally, a lot of people got in trouble.”

One of the most interesting reveals in the piece comes from Hubbard’s great-grandson, who says that when Cruise and Nicole Kidman were together, Kidman reached “Operating Thetan Level II (OTII).” Many people speculated that Kidman was never involved in Scientology, and that’s part of what caused the marriage to dissolve.

Honestly, it’s a huge piece with many photos of the California compound where celebrities train and sometimes live. If you’re into details about Cruise, Kidman and all that wackadoodie stuff, you’ll have a field day reading. Those people be cray.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)