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Miley Cyrus' Horrifying New Sex Toy Is, Uh, Not For Rookies

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | March 7, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | March 7, 2014 |

The always classy Miley Cyrus, with whom the public is growing ever weary, decided to up her game this week by tweeting out a couple of photos of her favorite new toy.


You may not have realized, at first, that what you were looking at above was a sex toy, but the hand-shaped dild* is exactly that: The newest innovation is home-f*sting (I feel like f*st in this context really need an asterisk).

Miley’s review of the Hand of Adonis: “The Emoji for fisting, fingering, and thumbs up.”

Just try unseeing that, folks.

via Gawker