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Michael Shannon Had the Best Seat in the House During This Year's Oscars

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | March 6, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | March 6, 2018 |


Shape of Water won Best Picture this year at the Oscars. It stars Michael Shannon, but when the movie took home the title, Shannon was not on stage. In fact, he wasn’t even in the building. Shannon was in Chicago. At a bar. The Old Ale House. Drinking beer. Watching the Oscars. On Mute.

Could this guy be any cooler?

The Old Ale House, of course, is an institution in Chicago. To wit:

It’s also a frequent Anthony Bourdain hangout.

There’s some nice art here, too.

Wait, is that Trump? Without pants?

So there you, folks: Michael Shannon, drinking beer, sitting by himself in a bar where Trump isn’t wearing pants. Could there be a better place?