By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | February 16, 2014 |
By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | February 16, 2014 |
How did the Missouri audience react to seeing Michael Sam in an arena for the first time since he announced that he was gay, making him likely the first openly gay NFL player (once he’s drafted in April)? Just like you’d expect from thousands of red-meat, middle-American basketball fans: With a standing O.
Sam was there with the rest of his football team to receive a trophy for Missouri’s win in the Cotton Bowl. Any concerns the University of Missouri might have had with the fuss members of the Westboro Baptist Church created by protesting outside of the arena must have been quickly put to rest with that amazing scene.
The student body president, by the way, also revealed that he was gay on Twitter last week.
Source: LGBTQ Nation