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Michael Bublé Is Gross and Posted a Gross Picture to Show How Gross He Is

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | April 17, 2015 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | April 17, 2015 |

Michael Bublé cheated on Emily Blunt. That’s not relevant to this story, but I needed to get you on my side and I knew that was probably the best way to do it.

A few days back, he decided to be totally cool and he and his equally totally cool wife decided to take a totally cool picture of a stranger’s ass and post it on Instagram.

“There was something about this photo lu took ,that seemed worthy of instagram.
#myhumps #babygotback #hungryshorts #onlyinmiami #picoftheday #beautifulbum”

It was totally cool.

In reading about this story throughout the day, I’ve seen a bunch of comments along the lines of “who cares?” and implying that it’s just so very AMERICAN to care about something like this when there are more important things in the world.

As a rule, just don’t take and post pictures of a stranger’s ass. Just, like, don’t. It’s creepy and weird. Don’t be creepy and weird.

Update: He finally commented to Us Weekly:

“I do not court controversy, but I realize that a photo that was meant to be complimentary and lighthearted has turned into a questionable issue. It hurts me deeply that anyone would think that I would disrespect women or be insulting to any human being. I regret that there are people out there who found the photo offensive. That was not and is not my intention. Women are to be celebrated, loved, respected, honored and revered. I’ve spent my life believing that and will continue to do so.”

Women are to be celebrated. FOR THAT ASS, AMIRITE, BROS?! *high fives everyone*