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Lindsay Lohan Cried When Son Watched ‘Parent Trap,’ Doesn’t Care About Losing Baby Weight

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | March 15, 2024 |

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | March 15, 2024 |


The Lindsay Lohan Renaissance is here and my 14-year-old self is living. She’s been on a media blitz lately to promote her new movie Irish Wish (out today on Netflix), where she’s been a breath of un-cynical fresh air.

Like her appearance on The Drew Barrymore Show, for example, where Barrymore asked her if she ever watches her own movies and she answered, “I mean, if someone wants to watch it and I’m there, I put it on and I’m like cooking in the kitchen or I have to run upstairs or I’m busy doing something else, ‘cause it’s hearing my voice that I’m like, ‘Eh.’” Can you imagine Lindsay cooking you dinner with Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen playing in the background? A dream!

But she admitted that she once “caught” her 8-month-old son Luai watching The Parent Trap, and it made her cry.

“I just wrapped a movie four days ago and I came home from work and my son was getting ready for dinner time, and I opened the door and he was watching The Parent Trap. It was just on the TV,” she said. I love the way she talks about her baby “getting ready for dinner time” and watching a movie like he’s a little adult.

“And I started crying because I’m like, he doesn’t even know that’s Mommy yet. I was like, do I turn it off or do I just … he was kind of just staring. Because maybe, my voice is still similar to how it was then. So I was like, maybe he knows, like a little bit that it’s me because it sounds like me. But it was a really magical moment. I took tons of pictures of it.”

She also told Bustle that she doesn’t feel the pressure to ‘snap back’ to her pre-baby weight after giving birth.

“Everyone’s getting so thin now,” she said. “I feel like everything always comes full circle again, so this is that moment, and this, too, shall pass. But it does seem like there’s pressure.”

“I was so attached to [Luai] that my last thought was going on a treadmill. I feel like we put so much pressure on ourselves to have to look ‘good’ so soon, but you look so beautiful [postpartum]…Give yourself time.”

Not long after giving birth she posted a selfie and wrote, “I am so proud of what this body was able to accomplish during these months of pregnancy and now, recovery.”

She’s just the best, okay?