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Leonardo DiCaprio Issued a Statement Saying He's Not Banging Rihanna--But Why?

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | March 4, 2015 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | March 4, 2015 |

Recently, a rumor went viral stating that Leonardo DiCaprio had left a club with 20 women. His rep had no comment. Last week, the story was he was trying to take Dakota Johnson to his own personal Red Room of Pain (it’s just filled with beard clippings and empty glass boxes that say “Where My Oscar Would Go” on them). Nothing from his team. He’s been rumored to have a summer home between the legs of every model under the age of 25, and his rep has issued no response.

But Rihanna? One of the biggest pop stars in the world? Apparently, that’s a rumor we deny.

A rep for DiCaprio told the Los Angeles Times that the actor “is single and has been for some time,” adding that he’s “been focused shooting” Oscar-winning director Alejandro G. Inarritu’s adventure drama “The Revenant” in Canada “for months.”

Mmhmm, sure, why not.


This of course comes hot on the heels of one of the biggest reaches TMZ has ever made: including this blurry photo of them standing almost near each other with the word “banging” in the title.

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I’m not saying that Leo and RiRi have or have not found love in a hopeless place, but this seems like an…interesting choice for denial. Maybe it’s because literally every other rumor is true so his rep only denies the outright untruths (the only other one I could find was a denial of sleeping with Margot Robbie). And maybe, like in the way Taylor Swift’s people go completely bonkers whenever there’s the slightest hint of rumor that their client might appear desperate or boy crazy, DiCaprio’s people react the same way when there’s a rumor that their client might not be exclusively nailing models.