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Kate Hudson's Weird New Athletic Wear Commercial Sure Does Say 'P*ssy' a Lot

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | November 30, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | November 30, 2015 |

Kate Hudson’s line of athletic wear, Fabletics, launched a new ad campaign last week that seems to be centered around the irrefutable fact that Lululemon is overpriced and their stores are terrible snob factories. Have you ever been in a Lululemon? Then you know.

That commercial can basically be summed up as “fine,” right? It’s a commercial for yoga pants. I don’t think any of us were expecting Fabletics to break the mold. But then with their next ad, this company wanted to make it absolutely clear that they’re not a regular yoga pants company, they’re a cool yoga pants company.


And what’s cooler and edgier than dropping a whole bunch of P-bombs in a commercial for leggings? NOTHING! That’s what.

I’m trying to figure out exactly what my problem is with this ad. I’m not opposed to the P word. I prefer the C one myself, but to each their own vagina slang of choice. I’d love to go full California granola feminist and throw in a diatribe about the patriarchy trying to make us feel ashamed about our bodies, but the truth is I don’t want everyone in my yoga class to see my business and I definitely don’t want to see theirs. I guess my only issue is that Kate Hudson would probably do better spending less time and energy and money on ads trying way too hard to be edgy, and more on actually making good clothes. The best part of this entire commercial is the irony of selling pants based on the promise that they’ll cover your “p*ssy,” and their site and the YouTube reviews (as pointed out by Jezebel) are full of women saying otherwise.
