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Joseph Gordon-Levitt Talks Feminism, Women Against Feminism and His Mom

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | September 23, 2014 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | September 23, 2014 |

In the past few months, people have been talking about feminism openly and honestly and proclaiming that they are, in fact, feminists. This is fantastic and wonderful and beautiful. One of the vocal proponents has been Joseph Gordon-Levitt. This is fantastic and wonderful and beautiful.

In fact, he’s turning to you, the people, and asking your thoughts on feminism. I’m sure he’ll get some real treasures. He also talks about his mom who sounds like a real badass, and the Women Against Feminism movement. Watch him. WATCH HIS WORDS.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and all men who espouse the goodness of feminism and equality, without qualifying it with layers of #NotAllMen, thank you. Thank you. To all women already doing this, thank you and keep doing you. To the Women Against Feminism people and those who say things like “I’m not a feminist, I’m a humanist,” just just just STOP EVERYTHING AND THINK ABOUT YOUR LIFE. God you’re the worst. To the proper MRA misogynists? Trick question, I have nothing to say to them, I don’t speak fuckery.


Praise be to all of you. Praise be to feminism. Praise Be-yonce.
