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Jose Canseco Accuses Alex Rodriguez of Cheating On Jennifer Lopez, But That's None Of Our Business

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | March 11, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | March 11, 2019 |


Look: My typical beat is not trashy celebrity gossip that traffics in unsubstantiated rumors leveled by washed-up former baseball players with a long history of telling both lies and uncomfortable truths, most often to draw attention to himself. Jose Canseco cannot be trusted to be honest, except that sometimes, he does tell the truth, but only if the truth benefits himself.

So, you know what? I’m just going to drop these tweets here, and you can make of them what you’d like.

I will just say this: A phone call does not equal cheating unless the two made plans for a hate-bang in the back of a Honda Accord on that phone call.

Regardless, the real reason for this post is not about the impending nuptials of Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez, or A. Rod’s allegedly wandering penis. The real reason for this post is Barry:

This is the only truth the world will ever know about this entire saga.

Also, Jose, dude. Maybe next time, try direct messaging J. Lo or sending an email.

(p.s. I’m fully aware of who Barry McCockiner is. Do not take this joy away from me.)