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Johnny Depp Still Sucks, Still Trying to Get Out of Paying Amber Heard

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | December 14, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | December 14, 2016 |

Just two weeks ago we thought perhaps Johnny Depp and his legal team had realized their controlling power play—the one that involved not paying Amber Heard her divorce settlement then blaming her in the press for not donating the divorce settlement she hadn’t been paid—didn’t work out in their favor. But, that would imply we were dealing with rational humans here and not an angsty scarf-monster unable to stop controlling his former wife even now.

According to legal docs obtained by the Daily Mail, Depp has continued to refuse to pay out. Now Heard’s team has filed a Request to Order to force his (broken) hand.

The document also lays out what Depp has failed to do in the time allowed by the court, which includes:

- Not paying the first two installments of the ‘equalization and legal fees payments’ - known to amount to at least $6.8million.

- Not giving Heard a date and time for a walk through of the couple’s ‘main Sweetzer property’ (a $10million, eight bedroom castle style home in West Hollwood) and ‘storage facilities’ to retrieve her personal property.

- Not transferring the title of a Range Rover.

- Failing to meet with Heard to discuss the division of ‘furniture and furnishings’ in two residential units they once occupied together, Including their downtown apartment. understands Depp is furious that Heard has seemingly broken the terms of the settlement by speaking publicly about domestic violence - what he sees as a flagrant breach of the confidentiality clause agreed as part of the deal.

There’s nothing like attempting to publicly discredit the person accusing you of being a controlling abuser by publicly acting like a controlling abuser. If you can’t trust Terry Gilliam when he said someone’s a decent fellow and someone else is a golddigging whore, who *can* you trust? (No one. Everyone is garbage. This is the lesson of this year.)

But Heard has shown time and time again that she is NOT THE ONE. In a statement, she calls bullshit on everything but his dumb sunglasses and overstated native heritage.

In a declaration attached to the filing Heard slams Depp for leaking stories about the divorce settlement claiming she’s a ‘gold-digger’ and ‘bragging’ that she had settled for less than a previously reported sum.

Heard also states that Depp failed to pay the first installment of the ‘equalization payments’ on or before August 31, as required.

‘Instead, when Johnny learned that I planned to donate my entire marital settlement to charities, Johnny purported to satisfy his obligation to pay me by supposedly paying the charities I selected instead of me,’ she stated.

‘He also claimed I violated the confidentiality provisions of the DPM by announcing that I was donating me settlement to charities.

‘In fact I made this donations in good faith and I was responding to the leaks by Johnny’s agents bragging that I had settled for sub scantily less than a reported, earlier offered sum and attempting to label me a gold digger.’

Heard states that another ‘equalization payment’ was due on November 1, but ‘Johnny has not paid it either.’

‘I understand Johnny’s excuse for this default is that the form of Judgment has not yet been finalized and alleged breaches by me,’ she stated.

After listing the things Depp has failed to do as part of the settlement agreement, Heard accused Depp and his agents of defaming her by leaking ‘false’ articles to the press.
She added: ‘I am informed and believe that Johnny and his agents made false and defamatory statements about me both in violation of my legal rights and/or in breach of the DPM.’

This is a year a lot of men have repeatedly shown what abusive assholes they are. But this is also the year a lot of women refused to take it and showed strength and grace in the face of dissent, disrespect and disbelief. Let’s let that be the legacy of this year—the year so many women said “fuck that”—even when it didn’t always produce the results we wanted.