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John Oliver and His Wife Have the Perfect Meet-Cute Story

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | April 23, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | April 23, 2014 |

The New York Times profiled John Oliver this week, ahead of the debut of his new late-night show, Last Week Tonight, which premieres this Sunday (because great, what we needed were more shows to watch on Sunday night). It’s expected to air weekly, 35 weeks a year (as Bill Maher’s show does), so get used to losing another hour of sleep on Sunday night as we absorb all the week’s headlines in satirical form.

It’s a fun profile, but the bit that stuck out for me the most was about how he met his wife. It involved the Republican National Convention, The Daily Show and the threat of deportation.

From the Times:

Among the highlights of his ensuing career at “The Daily Show, probably the most memorable for him was covering the 2008 Republican Convention in St. Paul. As his usual obnoxious correspondent, he was at risk because he could not afford to get arrested for anything — deportation loomed. So when he wandered into a restricted area and was pursued by security, he sought refuge among some veterans invited by pro-military politicians. The one who helped Mr. Oliver hide out was a female vet, Kate Norley. He was grateful, took down her email and married her three years later.

There is so much fun irony to this. John Oliver, a liberal British citizen at the Republican National Convention there to poke fun at Republicans, meets a pro-military Iraq War veteran (she was a combat medic) who has appeared on Fox News (as a friendly guest) who was there to advocate for Republican candidates. She saves him from deportation, and three years later, they’re married.

Why? Because love doesn’t give a sh*t about politics.

Oliver, by the way, is now free from the threat of deportation thanks to his marriage to Norley.

Source: NYTimes