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Jeremy Renner Would Like to Remind You After His Golden Globes Joke to Lighten Up, Francis

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 12, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 12, 2015 |

One of the highlights, or lowlights, of last night’s Golden Globes telecast involved Jeremy Renner making a crack about Jennifer Lopez’s boobs.

The objectifying crack was met with some objections from certain parts of the Twitter, while other parts of the Twitter found ways to use the joke to either confirm or invalidate their suspicions about Jeremy Renner’s sexuality, which is neither here nor there (totally gay, thought, right? *wink wink*)

Anyway, Jeremy Renner would like you all to lighten the f*ck up.

From my vantage point, the bigger deal here was the fact that J Lo’s boob looked painfully pinched in that dress, like a small wire had broken loose and had begun piercing her boob.

In other news, Renner is an adorable Dad.