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Jennifer Lawrence Is So Exuberant Over Sleep, She Becomes a Spastic 5 Year Old

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | November 20, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | November 20, 2015 |

If you’ve ever been a child, and I’m pretty sure at some point (most of) you were, you know the joys of crazy bed dancing. As a kid sometimes there is just no better way to express your feelings than through body motion, and like a stumbling newborn deer, it can be all goofy, uncontrolled limbs. Exuberance! That’s what kids are made of. Also, Jennifer Lawrence…who’s been on a whirlwind, worldwide, country-a-day Mockingjay — Part 2 tour. That kind of travel can leave a girl sleepless, so what does she do when a great, 12-hour slumber finally arrives? Why, she celebrates in the way that comes naturally, of course.

Dislocated her toe, too!



Conan tries to work up the same level of enthusiasm, but knows he’s out of his league. Just look at JLaw’s expression.


That’s a proper lust for life.

Happy Friday, y’all! DANCE.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) plans on doing the life dance when it’s finally time to watch Jessica Jones, tonight.