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film / tv / substack / web / celeb


It's The First Thirst Post Of 2020 And You're Welcome

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | January 8, 2020 |

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | January 8, 2020 |

Pedro Pascal a.k.a. The Mandalorian from r/LadyBoners
Gal Gadot from r/gentlemanboners
Richard Madden from r/LadyBoners
Brie Larson and Alicia Vikander from r/gentlemanboners
DB Woodside - the *other* smoking hot angel on “Lucifer” from r/LadyBoners
Gemma Arterton from r/gentlemanboners
Dacre Montgomery 😍 from r/LadyBoners
Hayley Atwell from r/gentlemanboners
Romulo Estrela from r/LadyBoners
South Indian actress, Amala Paul from r/gentlemanboners
Damn, Edward Zo from r/LadyBoners
Priyanka Chopra from r/gentlemanboners
Floki from Vikings: Gustaf Skarsgard from r/LadyBoners
Nathalie Emmanuel from r/gentlemanboners

Header Image Source: Netflix