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Is Travis Scott Going to Propose to Kylie Jenner During the Super Bowl Halftime?

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | December 20, 2018 |

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | December 20, 2018 |


Travis Scott might hate Amy Schumer as much as he loves Kylie Jenner.

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Just one day after Schumer took credit for being the reason no one would perform with Maroon 5 during the Super Bowl halftime show, Travis Scott announced that he would be joining the show. I guess Coldplay was too busy this time?

The Super Bowl has, for good reason, struggled to find additional acts to fill up the Halftime stage (and I don’t think it’s because of Amy Schumer….) This is shocking only in the sense that they’re surprised that after the systematic suppression of players’ peaceful protests about the basic right of black people to exist without being murdered by the police, their f*ckery is finally catching up to them. That, or they think Maroon 5 is a strong enough act to carry the bill alone, which LOL.

So, they managed to get Travis Scott to commit to participating in the Halftime Show. Scott had a pretty big hit this year with “Sicko Mode” featuring Drake (who will never not be Jimmy from Degrassi the Next Generation, to me, I don’t care how successful his rap career is.)

The same day it was announced Scott would take on some Halftime Show duties, Rolling Stone released their cover story and article on Scott, where he said he would propose to Kylie Jenner, soon.

We’ll get married soon. I just gotta sturdy up — I gotta propose in a fire way.

I have no idea what fire means in this context, but maybe he means literal fire, which is usually a staple of the Halftime Show.

Look I’m not saying he’s going to propose to Kylie Jenner at the Halftime Show, but it would be EXACTLY the type of spectacle Kylie’s mom Kris Jenner (who I love because she’s ruthless and most likely made a deal with a Crossroads demon) would engineer, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility, either.

Perhaps what you’re all most wondering about is if Cardi B is going to show up, because she’s done duets with both Maroon 5 and Travis Scott. Right now, the answer is no…but if she does show up, someone had better put a tracker on Offset that day, because he has a track record of ruining her time to shine.

One thing’s for sure about all of this: I won’t be watching. Mainly because I don’t like football or the NFL’s policies towards taking a knee, and Beyoncé isn’t performing this year.