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Iggy Azalea Definitely Doesn't Know What 'The Last Airbender' Is, Still Knows Not to Be Compared to It

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | August 11, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | August 11, 2015 |

Yesterday, this excessively true statement was posted to Twitter by the account Superhero Feed:

It’s hard to say what the exact meaning here was. Cultural appropriation? Bad rip-offs? A general sense of awful? It doesn’t really matter— most of us recognize this statement as truth, even if we don’t really understand why.

Azalea, though, has a surprisingly rabid fan base (maybe because there’s just SO MUCH to be defensive about), who, if you’re insulting her, will find you and cut you down— even you don’t tag her and even if you spell her name wrong. That’s dedication.

ZING. Yup, even today, comic books and comic book movies = nerd stuff. Not just that, WEIRD NERD BAD AT SEX STUFF. Comedy! But the boner-having ape-lovers weren’t going to let her off so easy.


See, this is where she lost me. Is she saying that this person clearly has such terrible taste (cause they don’t like her music, see?) that they not just watch the atrocious Fantastic Four, but ENJOY IT? That would be a major burn.

Of course, I think it’s much more likely that Iggy’s line of reasoning is the same as above: comics movies = what a poindexter. To which She Hulk says:
