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Idris Elba Tells Kimmel He Doesn't Want to Scare the World with His Giant...Microphone

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | August 27, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | August 27, 2014 |

Idris paid Jimmy Kimmel Live a visit last night, and after some polite latrine etiquette talk, the discussion naturally led to that giant lump in Idris’ pants. Let’s be honest, what else were any of us really interested in anyway? Kimmel brought up the fact that Elba chose to address the photo via Twitter — “I didn’t want to scare the world” — and then our man, Luther once again tried to explain away the fact that “God loves you.” Then they got to the part where Kimmel asked if *it* talks, and now the world really is frightened.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) isn’t sure she could handle a real talking dick.