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Hiddleston, Cumberbatch, Knightley, Dormer and More Have Their Way With Famous American Movie Scenes

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | February 4, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | February 4, 2015 |

Obviously we love those Brits, and they must bloody well love us right back; they just keep coming…here, and acting in as many American films and television series as they’re able. What if they could turn back time? Would they love to pop in, do a few iconic scenes, then have a spot of COFFEE (Hey, if you’re joining the team, you’ve got to immerse yourself), before continuing with their U.S. domination tour? Well, of course they’d love it, so Vanity Fair (Hi Joanna!) rounded up a horde of British actors to cut new takes of some favorite American movie scenes. Yippee ki-yay, motherfucker(s), indeed.

Photographer Jason Bell broke his “war” story into three parts; Preparing for War, Coming to America, and Victory Is Assured (Hmpf!):

While Knightly’s is quite a different take than Sally’s, I rather enjoyed it.

The Players:


Cindy Davis, (Twitter)