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Hey Marvel, Mark Ruffalo Would Sure Like to Buy Some Black Widow Merchandise

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | April 29, 2015 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | April 29, 2015 |

All the Avengers have their ups and downs and we love them all, even Renner sometimes. But Mark Ruffalo is just the best. He’s involved in incredible causes, he is the best movie Hulk by a thousand landslides and he cares about the womenfolk. Something Marvel kind of doesn’t. And he’s not afraid to call them out.

It’s one thing when nerds like us cry for toy equality—Disney could take or leave the internet outragers. But when one of its own franchise stars, a respected actor with a large following, starts complaining? HEY DISNEY? GIVE US OUR BLACK WIDOW TOYS PLEASE. And some Scarlet Witch while you’re at it.