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Here Are All the Things Roseanne Barr Doesn't Give a Crap About

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | April 21, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | April 21, 2015 |

Roseanne Barr is the subject of a documentary debuting at the Tribeca Film Festival. Eric Weinrib’s Roseanne For President! details her attempt to get the Green Party nomination in the 2012 presidential election. To gear up for the movie’s release, she did a lengthy interview with The Daily Beast, and— just in case you’ve forgotten, seeing as Barr isn’t in the news very often anymore— the woman is fucking fascinating. The other thing about Roseanne? She doesn’t really give a crap about anything. Here are just a few things she could not give less of a crap about.

1. Your feelings on her marijuana usage.
Roseanne revealed this week that she’s slowly going blind. While she DOES give a fuck about her glaucoma and macular degeneration, both because of the pain and because she fears losing the ability to read (a fate terrifying, I’m sure, to many Pajibans out there), she does not give a single fuck about her use of marijuana to treat that pain… and other stuff. She says pot is “a good medicine,” great not just for medical conditions, but for releasing us from “mind control.”

“It’s expansive. It opens your mind. You’re like,”—she looks up—“Wow, you’re in awe. You look up into the stars. It makes you wonder. It doesn’t close that down.”


2. What you think of her foul mouth.

“I love colorful language. I used to get my mouth washed out with soap by my mom for doing it. So of course I never did it around her too much. I did around my friends. I love it. I just—” she smiles, ecstatically—“It’s so free.”

3. Having a female president.
Barr makes it very clear that she isn’t a Hillary Clinton supporter.

I think she’s a Democrat just like they all are. She seems like every other Democrat. I would not like to see her win. She’s the same old shit. I’d like to see me win. I don’t see how she can win, but it will be interesting to see how the process goes—although its kind of offensive that the American people for 21 months have to live through the mudslinging that goes on between the two parties, which I think is just a tactic to prevent government from doing anything about any of our problems. It just elongates the election process. It’s like a traffic jam. That’s how it works: blaming and mudslinging.

…I think that a party that was woman-friendly would be revolutionary, and that party could be headed by a male or female. It’s what the party itself stands for that matters. She is standing as a Democrat so she’s a Democrat, and I don’t see much difference between them and the Republicans. They both get paid by the same guys. They do the same thing, they want the same stuff, more business.

4. No, she doesn’t even care about it as a “symbolic” victory.

Symbolically’? What does that mean? I would rather see the first intelligent, honest American president. I don’t care what’s in their shorts. I don’t care what it looks like down there at all. The thing I did like Hillary for was that she was the first candidate who ever listened to what women said, because she had to.

5. Being back on television.
While she hasn’t exactly retired, Barr says she has no interest in being back on television, which she likened to spending “a number of years in a big box with no windows.”

I was like Rumpelstiltskin. It’s hard in your 60s [to imagine doing] that much work again. It was boring. I just didn’t want to continue doing that because there are too many sacrifices to continue it.

6. Imposed gender roles.
Barr recalled the first joke she can remember ever making.

“My grandmother ran around serving the men, they never said ‘Thank you,’” she recalls. “One day my uncle had two or three bowls of soup. He complained every mouthful. ‘You put too much chicken fat in this,’ he said. ‘That’s what immigrants do.’ I did not like anyone messing with my grandma. ‘I said, ‘Well, if you don’t like it, how come you’re eating three bowls of it?’ And his face went…” and she widens her eyes… “because nobody had ever said that to any man in our family before. ‘That girl’s got a big, big mouth,’ my uncle said. And that’s still how I see the world: women doing the labor.”

7. What you think of her rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner.

It’s my national anthem and I have the right to sing it. I sang it again a few more times after that. I did improve as a singer, I have to say. But it was so perfect. The next day there was a news blackout, they started Operation Desert Storm, and I was cast as the useful idiot. That was a time when I didn’t account for my thing. I just thought it would be funny.

8. The word feminism.
This one always gets my ire up, but then she distracted me with her return to the issue of “mind control.”

I’m tired of words. Now I just describe myself as a thinker. I don’t want to buy into any of their code words, so that it makes mind control. It activates mind control. If you say ‘feminist,’ it means certain things if you’re pro or con. And you know you could change your mind when the right facts are presented, if you’re not married to a certain rhetoric or dogma.
