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Have You Ever Wanted to Wear George R.R. Martin on Your Crotch? Now You Can

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | April 27, 2015 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | April 27, 2015 |

When I think of George R. R. Martin, author, hero, giver to us of Game of Thrones and thus responsible for your pervy comments about Natalie Dormer, I think “what a genius. I would like to wear his beard fluff across my ass.”

For only $80, chump change when you consider the inevitable return on your investment, you too can wear the supple face of George R. R. Martin all up over your lower body with the GRRM Leggings from Poprageous.



LOOK AT THEM. Look at what a goddamn vision you could be.

I expect you each to buy a pair right now and fill the comments with photos of you wearing them.