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Take a Moment to Imagine the Life-Changing Wonder of Harrison Ford Crashing Your Wedding

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | October 22, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | October 22, 2015 |

Every once in a while we hear stories about celebrities crashing people’s weddings. Sometimes it comes off as charming; usually it’s off-putting. But when Harrison Ford crashes a wedding, there’s only one appropriate reaction.

And that’s because when Harrison Ford crashes a wedding, he does it literally. Okay, not really— not as literally as when he literally crashed his own plane earlier this year. Rather, this time, he landed safely in his own personal helicopter. In the middle of a wedding. Actual (presumed) footage of the event:

Because apparently at Malibu’s Saddlerock Ranch, they hold wedding receptions in the same space where helicopters land. And is Harrison Ford going to let a couple’s special day stand in the way of him landing his helicopter? Hell no! I mean, sure, he’ll be a swell guy and take some pictures with the bride and groom, but if Harrison Ford wants to land his aircraft in the middle of your wedding, you’re just going to have to let him.

At least Ford remembered the #1 rule of wedding crashing: you never know what kind of options you’re going to run into, so always fly Solo.

Via Page Six.