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This Is Hands Down The Best Thing To Come Out Of the Reddit AMA With 'MythBusters' Adam Savage

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | July 7, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | July 7, 2015 |

Mythbuster’s Adam Savage did a Reddit Ask Me Anything today, and, as you would expect, it was pretty awesome. We learned a lot of cool things about Adam, like the fact that given the choice between fighting one Jamie-sized duck or 100 duck-sized Jamies, he would choose the latter and “kick the **** of out those suckers.” He also seems to really want to do more moon-travel based episodes, as well as— in an ideal world— some Rule 34-based busting. (Google it, you precious innocent children, you.)

However, there was one exchange that stood out from the rest: this question from a three-year-old girl (via her parent) who loves science more than anything on earth. She treated a question for a Mythbuster the same way most young kids would feel about suddenly finding an open line to Iron Man or a T-Rex or that damn Caillou. (Click to embiggen.)


Here’s to you, tiny passionate scientist girl, for being that excited about being able to eat “scientist cake.” When people say children are our future, YOU’RE what I hope they mean.
