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'Going Clear's' Alex Gibney Says Scientology Bullied the IRS, Addresses 'Ridiculous' Letter

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | March 19, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | March 19, 2015 |

Look, I’m just going to politely suggest that Going Clear documentarian Alex Gibney keep a group of friends armed bodyguards around him at all times. His Scientology shakedown is both admirable and infinitely interesting, but we can’t help worrying about his safety. And you, Miscavige!


Of course, I mean that in a totally non-threatening way.

Gibney stopped by Late Night with Seth Meyers and explained just how Scientology attained that all-important tax-exempt status from the IRS:

You know you’ve got some serious power when you can bully the damned IRS. But Gibney’s holding fast, and continues to publicly challenge the religion. Over at CNN, he addressed the “ridiculous” 5-page letter Scientology sent to The Hollywood Reporter after the magazine requested church officials join them for a viewing of Going Clear, followed by discussion. That request was denied. Instead, Scientology spokesperson Karin Pouw asked THR for a list of questions (seriously) about the film; the long letter —which addresses former Scientologists as “psychopaths, sellouts” and “wife-beaters” — is Pouw’s response. (It is indeed, ridiculous.)

All this to say good on Gibney for his exposé, but stay safe, man!

p.s. In case any officials are reading, um…Scientology is swell!

p.p.s. *not

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)